What are they all blogging on about?
Creative content, SEO scores, converting copy leaving you confused? Read our top 5 reasons why you should be blogging.
For many of our clients running a small business, managing orders and providing services is the absolute main priority. Social media can feel like a time vacuum, newsletters an after-thought, and blogs, well…where do you begin?
We’ve spent many years writing blogs for a huge variety of clients, and as such we believe they offer huge value as part of a wider marketing strategy. Writing a well-researched blog once, reaps multiple rewards. Blogs can be repurposed as new content for social media, newsletters, collaborations and partnerships, press and PR, saving you time and money.
Top 5 reasons why blogs can boost your business.
If you know what you’d like to say, but don’t think you have the time or confidence to write about it, switch off the imposter syndrome. Customers love nothing more than a spot of good old fashioned honesty - stop procrastinating, fess up to your blogging virginity and just write it!
If you need a little extra support or wish to commission us to write a researched and converting blog for you, why you get in touch? We've written blogs on just about anything - from changes to the national curriculum, to sustainable fashion, from bespoke office cabins to spa treatments - give us a try, we love a challenge.